It’s official.  You can tune into Tanya Hart on KTLK 1150 AM at for Diverse LA Tanya Hart, live and local every day from 9 am to 12 noon PT.  Here’s a link to one of her latest broadcasts featuring Denzel Washington on his new movie Flight, and an exclusive interview with President Obama via AURN.Com conducted by White House Correspondent April Ryan.

Diverse LA Tanya Hart

You can also join in the broadcast by calling into the program live and talk with Tanya by dialing 877-520-1150, and if you miss the live broadcast, Diverse LA Tanya Hart is available On-Demand.

Why is Diverse LA needed?  Well, Los Angeles is certainly diverse and Diverse LA is about hearing diverse voices and viewpoints.  KTLK 1150 AM describes its take on Diverse LA:

“All too often we presume “diversity” to be inextricably linked to skin color and it couldn’t be further from the truth.  What we “look” like makes up very little of “who” we are; how we think and the issues of greatest importance to us.  Diversity is acknowledgment, and celebration of the differences which make Los Angeles strong.  It is inclusion irrespective of gender, sexual orientation or country of origin.  It is holding up a mirror of truth to ourselves and loving our disparate origins, stories, languages, and ethnicities.”

Join Tanya live every day from 9:00 am to 12:00 PT on radio KTLK 1150am live on Diverse LA Tanya Hart.

“We are going to make you laugh, definitely make you uncomfortable…but most importantly, force you to think about the issues in ways you may have never considered.”

Remember you can also tune into Tanya on Hollywood Live with Tanya Hart” nationwide Monday through Friday on American Urban Radio Network, AURN.Com.


Tanya Hart Communications has just received the 2012 Los Angeles Award in Communications Specialization from the U.S. Commerce Association and an Award Plaque Honors the Achievement.

U.S. Commerce Association Press Release

For the fourth consecutive year, Tanya Hart Communications has been selected for the 2012 Los Angeles Award in the Communications Specialization category by the U. S. Commerce Association.  The USCA “Best of Local Business” Award Program recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country.

Congratulations are in order!

Tanya Hart