David Oyelowo is making his directorial debut with his latest film, The Water Man. The film follows Gunner, played by Lonnie Chavis who is on a quest to save his mother, played by Rosario Dawson from cancer by seeking out a mythic character called The Water Man. Local legend states The Water Man has the power to evade death. Written by Emma Needell, the film stars David, Rosario Dawson, Maria Bello, Alfred Molina, Amiah Miller, and Lonnie Chavis.
The Waterman is David Oyelowo’s vision, molded by his cultural direction, and was co-produced by David’s company Yoruba Saxon Productions. I sat down with David on Hollywood Live with Tanya Hart and discussed the film in-depth and much more.
The Water Man is In Theaters and On Demand now. Rated PG for mature themes. Running time: 1 hour 32 minutes.