Tanya Hart will be honored by the CA Black Women’s Legacy Trailblazer Hall of Fame on June 14th at the Wilshire-Ebell Theater in Los Angeles.

The CA Black Women’s Collective are the presenters of the CA Black Women’s Trailblazer Hall of Fame Awards. The awards recognize and celebrate Black Women’s achievements.

The CA Black Women’s Trailblazer Hall of Fame Awards is the first awards show that highlights Black Women leaders throughout the State of California. Honorees are selected from multiple disciplines ranging from advocacy, corporate, civil rights, legal, labor, and entertainment. The event awards and showcases the significant achievements of the honorees and their impact on the lives of Black women and girls throughout the State.

Tanya Hart will receive the 2024 CA Black Women’s Legacy Trailblazer Hall of Fame Award for Media Icon & Pioneer.

Evite Tickets

Coming next week on May 30th Tanya Hart will be honored by her hometown Muskegon, Michigan. Tanya has been chosen to deliver the annual Hackley Foundation guest lecture at the Greater Muskegon Women’s Club.

And just this week Tanya and AURN CEO Chesley Maddox-Dorsey attended The Gracies at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills along with their guest actress and activist Dawnn Lewis.

This year The Gracies honored Carol Burnett, Jane Fonda, Phylicia Rashad, Michelle Obama, and other women achievers. The Gracies are an annual awards event put on by The Alliance for Women in Media.